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With the aim of speeding up and simplifying CV creation for all candidates, Jobiri IT team has made CV Builder of the GEGS platform even simpler, more innovative and intuitive.

On the basis of an in-depth customer satisfaction survey of job seekers and career practitioners, a series of changes have been implemented to bring the GEGS platform more in line with candidates needs and, in general, with new market trends.

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New CV Builder of the GEGS platform

This updates make the new CV Builder even more user-friendly, innovative and extremely effective thanks to:

1) Real-time preview

Job seekers can preview in real time every single change they are making on their CVs. In this way, job seekers save time and can already have the final layout of their CV at their disposal, without having to go through all the steps.



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2) Examples created by practitioners and experienced recruiters

In order to make the CV flawless for recruiters, personalized and in line with job offers, the Jobiri-GEGS new CV Builder allows job seekers to fill in each section with examples created by experienced practitioners and recruiters.



3) Guided optimization

To support users step by step, new CV Builder Jobiri created for the GEGS project has a guided optimization system that helps to fill in the most important sections.



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4) Optimized navigation from mobile phones

To make it easier, quicker and more intuitive to enter all information also from a mobile phone, the filling in of fields has been optimized.




5) More CV layouts to promote job seekers efficiently

Use the large variety of CV templates to differentiate yourself from other candidates in a simple, unique and memorable way.

The advantages of new Jobiri CV Builder for Gegs

There are many advantages of new CV Builder for all candidates. Among these are:

  • ease use of the tool
  • faster CV creation
  • the production of CVs that are increasingly accurate, personalized and in line with the demands of today’s job market
  • the possibility of being constantly guided through each step of the CV creation process
  • greater candidate satisfaction
  • optimization of the CV creation process also from mobile devices
  • possibility of using new CV Builder from any place


Do you want to find out more about GEGS project? Contact us or click here now.

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