
In an increasingly dynamic and competitive job market, it is very important for job seekers to optimize their CV in a targeted and personalized manner to make it flawless for recruiters.

The CV analyzer on the GEGS platform allows candidates to achieve this goal and now carries out more accurate and scrupulous analyses thanks to new and sophisticated modifications.

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New CV Analyzer for GEGS Platform

The updates now available on the Jobiri-Gegs platform cover the following areas:

  • CV impact
  • Skills in the CV

In the ‘Impact’ area, which encompasses factors related to the impact of the CV, useful parameters have been included to assess CV more accurately:

Sentence length

The average length of sentences can be an indicator of clarity and comprehensibility of the CV content. The new GEGS CV analyzer shows which sentences are longer than ‘average’ in order to allow candidates to review and edit them.

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Personal descriptors

The CV analyzer identifies the presence or absence of personal descriptors, i.e. adjectives that make a candidate’s profile more complete and detailed, and suggests concrete examples of the most effective ones.



The dominant sections of the CV

Since it is essential to give the right relevance to sections according to the personal positioning objectives and requirements in the job offers, the CV analyzer suggests which sections are most suitable to be made such according to these parameters.

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In the skills area of the Jobiri-Gegs platform, in order to make CV more effective and complete, the following have been added:

Sections with skills

The CV analyzer created by Jobiri for the GEGS project identifies in which other sections of the CV skills have been added. It is very important to include skills in other sections of the CV to increase their visibility.



Digital skills

The CV Analyzer notices the presence or absence of digital skills, which are very important and useful in today’s labour market. Candidates can also access numerous examples of digital skills to include in their CV.


Finally, where tool has found gaps in the CV, candidates can take advantage of Jobiri video lessons specifically designed to overcome those gaps.

Discover more about the CV Analyzer

Get in touch with Jobiri team or find out here all the details about European project Gegs 

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