Video-based simulated interviews let you practice for and pass interviews

Successfully pass any job interview by practicing with simulated interviews. These video-based interviews go beyond just giving tips. You learn to manage anxiety and train to take on even the toughest questions about an industry or job role.


Loghi delle testate giornalistiche che parlano di Jobiri
Loghi delle testate giornalistiche che parlano di Jobiri

Thanks to the simulated-interview videos, Jobiri candidates are the first to land jobs with their dream companies

The fastest way to go from interview to job. Guaranteed.


To successfully get through job interviews, you need to do more than just read up on advice. Now you can put this advice into practice in a realistic simulated interview.


Simulate over 17 types of interactive interviews and get answers to more than 250 real-life recruiter questions


Pressed for time? No problem. A few hours of practice with the simulated interviews will prepare you for any situation and dozens of questions.

More likely to pass a job interview
Simulated interviews
Questions and answers

Practice wherever and whenever you want to successfully get through interviews

Find out the most common or difficult questions that come up during interviews and how to answer them. Whether it's behavioural questions or those specific to an employment sector, you'll be covered.

video training al colloquio di lavoro con jobiri
video training al colloquio di lavoro con jobiri
candidata si allena a sostenere un dialogo durante colloquio di lavoro con jobiri

Find out all you need to successfully get through job interviews

Thanks to Jobiri, you'll learn job interviewing basics as well as how to wrap up in a way that impresses the recruiter, answer even the most challenging questions with confidence and master the most effective strategies for getting hired.

candidata si allena a sostenere un dialogo durante colloquio di lavoro con jobiri

Prepare at your own pace, even for an interview tomorrow

Don't make it guess work. Follow recruiters' practice advice and speed up learning, whether it's mastering the most common questions or preparing for the most difficult and competitive interviews.

candidata fa simulazione colloquio online con jobiri
candidata fa simulazione colloquio online con jobiri

Learn to successfully get through all types of selection interviews

What else can you do after signing up with Jobiri?

Job Search
Video courses
CV Builder
CV Analyzer
Training for Interviews
Letter Builder
Approved by Experts
A Multilingual Site

Approved by recruiters, loved by candidates and chosen by institutions

Some of our Institutional Customers

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Approved by recruiters, loved by candidates and chosen by institutions

Some of our Institutional Customers

Una lista dei nostri partner istituzionali

Your dream job awaits you

Join the more than 70,000 people who have already used Jobiri to find work

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Your dream job awaits you

Join the more than 70,000 people who have already used Jobiri to find work

consulente di carriera jobiri