The 1st AI-based SaaS platform for institutions engaged in training and employment services

The first AI-based Saas platform designed to optimise internal processes. It boosts employment service efficiency for public and private institutions working in the training and job sectors.


Loghi delle testate giornalistiche che parlano di Jobiri
Loghi delle testate giornalistiche che parlano di Jobiri

Get more human employment services driven by AI

Join the dozens of visionary institutions using Jobiri

Una lista dei nostri partner istituzionali

Find out how AI can improve your employment services

Technical Colleges

studenti impegnati in percorsi di formazione professionale


Servizi al lavoro digitali e accessibili per l'ufficio placement universitario


servizi digitali Jobiri per gli sportelli lavoro comunali

Employment centres

servizi digitali Jobiri per i centri per l'impiego

Staffing firms

servizi digitali Jobiri per le agenzie del lavoro

Outplacement companies

servizi digitali Jobiri per le società di outplacement

Offering a SaaS-certified platform geared to institutions delivering employment services and much more


Adapts to your institution's processes, logos, URLs and colour scheme


Full or single module activation for your employment services


Made to support complete access from mobile phones, tablets and PCs

Supports integration

APIs, Single Sign-on and data migration available


Get the skills and know-how for undertaking ad hoc IT development of your employment-services


Get help or training to boost your institution's placement rates

Jobiri is a leader in data protection as well as the first SaaS-certified, AGID (Agency for Digital Italy)-approved provider for private and public Institutions working in employment services

logo agid

Use AI to increase your placement rates

Use the top cutting-edge portal for strengthening your institution’s employment services and increasing placement outcomes for the people you serve.

Use AI to increase your placement rates

Use the top cutting-edge portal for strengthening your institution’s employment services and increasing placement outcomes for the people you serve.